Showing posts with label Perspective Plan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perspective Plan. Show all posts

Monday, 13 February 2023

Perspective Plan

Developing a vision for region is essential for policy framework. The vision stipulates direction of growth and identification of resource potential and innovations to be adopted for the thrust areas of development. It integrates broad level plan with the regional or development plan. A realistic vision helps policy formulation and preparation of Perspective plan. Perspective plan defines the vision and focuses on the spatio‐economic development policies, strategies and programmes towards the intended development of the State.

The Perspective Plan of a State could include ‐ State Urbanisation Policy and State Land Utilisation Policy. The plan is based on state resource mapping and analysis and assessment of potential resources. It addresses the long term policies regarding development of infrastructure and resource mobilisation. The scope of this plan covers the social, economic, environmental and spatial development goals, policies and priorities relating to the activities that have spatial and financial implications. The purpose of a perspective plan is to provide an overall framework for preparation of detailed plans. Therefore it serves as a guide for urban local authorities and regional development authorities in preparation of the regional and development plans.

A perspective plan is a written document, supported by illustrations and maps, containing spatio-economic development policies, strategies, and general programmes of the local authority. This plan presents, to the state government and people, the intentions of the local authority regarding development of the urban center in the next 20- 25 years. The scope of this plan covers social, economic and spatial development goals, policies and priorities relating to all those urban activities that have spatial implications or that require land for their location and desired functioning.