Showing posts with label Population. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Population. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 July 2023

World Population Day 2023

World Population Day is commemorated every year on July 11th to raise awareness and educate individuals about the challenges and consequences associated with global population growth. It serves as a reminder to continuously work towards addressing these issues and improving the lives of everyone on the planet. The observance of World Population Day aims to promote understanding and encourage collective efforts in tackling the impacts of population growth.

World Population Day 2023-Theme:

According to United Nations, the theme for this year’s World Population Day is – Unleashing the power of gender equality: Uplifting the voices of women and girls to unlock our world’s infinite possibilities.

World Population Day 2023  - Significance:

Every year on July 11, the World Population Day event plays a significant role in bringing attention to concerns related to the world population. This day highlights the issues brought on by population growth, including poverty, a lack of food and water, environmental damage, and overburdened healthcare systems. It acts as a reminder for people, groups, and organisations, as well as for governments, to solve these urgent issues.  With the goal of building a world where every individual has a developing future full of promises, potential, and opportunities, the United Nations focuses on commemorating the day. In line with Agenda 2030's Sustainable Goals, it also seeks to build a sustainable future for everyone.

World Population Day 2023-History:

Dr K.C. Zachariah suggested celebrating this day when the world reached 5 billion population on July 11, 1987. The United Nations Development Programme’s Governing Council established World Population Day in 1989, inspired by the Day of Five Billion observed on July 11, 1987. In 1990, the United Nations General Assembly, through Resolution 45/216, decided to continue celebrating World Population Day to raise awareness about population issues and their interconnection with the environment and development.