Sunday, 12 February 2023

Cadastral Map

A large-scale map showing the boundaries of subdivisions of land, usually with the directions and lengths thereof and the areas of individual tracts, compiled for the purpose of describing and recording ownership.

A cadastral map is a map that defines the boundaries and division of land to define the ownership and purpose of the land. Cadastral map meaning suggests that the map is a detailed graphic representation of the division and sub division of land with points to direction, length and breadth.

The details in the Cadastral Map of a specific city, state, or locality based on the references to their prior and updated maps.

> Boundaries of land parcels

> Ownerships of land pieces

> Certificate of title numbers

> Section or lot numbers

> Adjoining and adjacent street names

> Selected boundary dimensions

> Survey district names

> Positions of existing structures

> Unique identifying numbers for parcels

The major reasons to use Cadastral Maps when finding land records are:

Detailed Information:

Cadastral Maps provide you with detailed information, so you must use them in case you need any details related to land records. Majorly, the Cadastral Maps provide the details of boundaries and the size of your chosen property.

Time Saver:
Cadastral Maps are a real time saver. All you need to do is visit the portal, and you can find the required details in just a few clicks. You can simply access your desktop or a laptop or even a mobile phone to visit the online portal of your state anytime, from any location, to get your property details.

Ownership Verification:
This is one of the effective benefits of creating Cadastral Maps. With these maps, you can verify the property title of a plot, building or apartment before making a purchase. This helps you save yourself from getting into any fraudulent transactions.